Walmart Inventory Management Software | eSellerHub
About Walmart Inventory Management Software

Gain 100% Stock Accuracy Across Warehouses & Walmart

Sync– Leverage high-end inventory optimization where even the smallest changes in actual stock levels in your warehouse are synced automatically across all your sales channels and supplier systems.

Route– Seamlessly route your Walmart orders to WFS, 3PL, or your shipping solution in real time. 

Manage– Get rid of overselling or overstocking with real-time inventory updates and optimized procurement processes along with managing varied inventory types as categorized by Walmart to efficiently manage wide retail options.  

Features of WMS

Centralized Walmart Inventory Management Software

Real-Time Stock Updates

Real-Time Stock Updates

Build inventory management software that constantly updates data on product quantities. When the buyer from Walmart makes an order, the system adjusts inventory accordingly, making it a centralized stock update system for all users and sales channels.

Supplier Collaboration

Supplier Collaboration

To keep the shelves stocked for your online Walmart sales, suppliers need accurate real-time updates on product quantities & demand. The centralized inventory management system will automatically generate purchase orders based on stock levels.

Fetch Orders Automatically

Fetch Orders Automatically

We build an inventory management system that automatically fetches order data from Walmart & further processes for the pick & pack, automating the order processing workflows for a smooth and instantaneous inventory handling.

Sync Shipments

Sync Shipments

Walmart stock control tool backed by strong shipment workflows through integrating popular shipments into your Walmart inventory management software and, after the packaging & label printing, build a feature for your software to sync the shipment data back into

Fast Order Fulfilments

Fast Order Fulfilments

Build an eCommerce capability to batch Walmart orders for a fast pick & pack. Optimized automation that defines the zone, trails, racks, or bins where the products are kept and guides the users with super-effective optimization for multiple fulfillment or location types for the stock ordered.

Manage Bundles/Kits

Manage Bundles/Kits

Smart and accurate calculations of bundle quantities based on available components & smartly sync the product availability in real-time. The Walmart inventory management tool development will simply deal with complex product categories that sell individually and even in bundles/kits.

Are you struggling with inventory inconsistency for your Walmart store? Contact our eCommerce experts to get the perfect custom solution for your business.

Business Benefits

Helping your Walmart Business Grow with the Right Software

Value for Money

Value for Money

Gain the optimum ROI with full ownership of custom Walmart inventory management software rather than short-term returns by renting or subscribing to a 3rd party Saas or off-the-shelf product. Software rigorously built around your specific business requirements.

Multi Marketplace Inventory Syncing

Multi Marketplace Inventory Syncing

Centrally control multi-channel inventory to avoid any discrepancies and negative customer rankings. A custom Walmart inventory software will automatically update stock everywhere you sell—marketplaces, supplier systems, ERPs, and 3PLs.

Manage Multiple Fulfillment & Location Types

Manage Multiple Fulfillment & Location Types

With an integrated Walmart inventory management tool, you can handle all Walmart orders, whether fulfilled by different warehouses, 3rd party logistic partners, or Walmart itself. Real-time data capturing helps manage multiple location fulfillment with ease.

Multipacks & Bundles

Multipacks & Bundles

Simplify managing inventory for bundles and kits. Depending on the sales trends, sellers can list the product kits/bundles. Depending on the availability of the inventory, the listing is adjusted over the marketplace allowing sellers to avoid overselling or stockout.

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