eSellerHub Wins FinancesOnline 2017 Awards

eSellerHub Wins FinancesOnline 2017 Awards for Providing Impeccable User Experience

Feb 15, 2017
eSellerHub Wins FinancesOnline 2017 Awards for Providing Impeccable User Experience

From the day, eSellerHub was launched in the online retail market, we have been ensuring that online retailers get maximum efficiency and accuracy in multi-channel management. We are honored that our efforts were noticed by one of the most popular business review directories – FinancesOnline. They have made us feel proud by awarding us with two acclaimed awards – Rising Star 2017 and Great User Experience 2017 in their detailed review about eSellerHub.

“eSellerHub is now among the 50 best e-Commerce Software Products and one of the top 200 sales software products.”

The awards by FinancesOnline are given after rigorous and empirical analysis conducted by their Software experts after ensuring that each product is complying with their high quality standards.

Rising Star Award is usually awarded to recently introduced SaaS products which is getting quick popularity amongst customers and is perceived as working with extremely competent technique in spite of its new launch in the market.

Great User Experience – as it name itself depicts, is awarded to the products providing very high standards in user experience. The software experts at FinancesOnline check and ensure that it should be quite simple to start using the product, its design is responsive, having user friendly features and solving the business purpose of the users up to maximum level.

The software experts at FinancesOnline were impressed by eSellerHub’s potential of managing inventory over multiple marketplaces on a real-time basis. In fact, we were mentioned among the most popular eCommerce solutions listed by their experts. As per their review, eSellerHub is one of the best custom eCommerce solutions which online retailers selling over multiple marketplaces like Amazon, eBay etc., should consider. eSellerHub can help online retailers in managing their stock, warehouse and entire order fulfillment process in the most accurate manner. It eliminates low stock and over selling issues and is thus providing awesome shopping experience to the online buyers.

We were extremely proud to receive these awards from FinancesOnline and now feeling much more committed towards providing excellent user experience. We promise to upgrade the features as online selling trends change and help the online retailers to face the challenges of very competitive online retail industry and grow their business consistently.

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