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This blog lists some of the most crucial security measures that eSellerHub developers take into account when performing integration with the Amazon SP-API.
The eSellerHub Data Protection Guidelines are something that is strictly adhered to by our developers as well as integrators who create solutions to interact with the Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API).
The insights shared in this blog are used by our developers to supplement and improve the security architecture of the extensive solutions provided by eSellerHub, leveraging the Amazon SP-API.
The data supplied and obtained using the Amazon SP-API is subject to the eSellerHub Data Protection Guidelines, which regulate its reception, retention, use, transmission, and disposal. All solutions that store, analyze, or in any other way deal with data obtained and supplied through the Amazon Selling Partner API are subject to these guidelines.
Our developers adhere to the standards relating to network protection, access management, the least privilege principle, credential management, encryption in transit, risk management, incident response plan, request for deletion, and data attribution, in order to maintain the security and confidentiality of information.
Additional standards are for developers using the Amazon SP-API for regulated activities regarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Developers are only given a limited level of access to PII for specific tax and seller-fulfilled shipping requirements. Policies for data storage and management, encryption, tracking, and vulnerability management are among these standards
One of the most tried-to-seek data categories stolen is personal information and credentials. Adversaries who acquire credentials may subsequently exploit them to gain unauthorized access to and steal sensitive data from resources including servers, databases, and employees’ laptop storage.
By regulating passwords for IAM users, our developers using the AWS Directory Service specify password levels of difficulty.
Password uniqueness can be enabled in Group Policies by Microsoft Active Directory administrators.
We resist password invasions by incorporating Multifactor Authentication (MFA) in Amazon SP-API.
Malware can be installed by a malicious actor on gaining access to the computer systems, frequently through stolen credentials. Ransomware, remote access trojan (RAT), and keystroke logging are some of the malware that the adversary can use to steal payment details, usernames, and passwords without the user’s permission.
To perform inspections, we provide vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.
Our developers perform security tests using Nessus, Kali Linux, and Burp Suite.
Developers can employ the appropriate amount of encryption when necessary once they are aware of how sensitive the information they are working with is.
Databases, object stores, and file stores that hold the data, including personally identifiable information (PII) are all inventoried by our developers.
All storage systems that retain or store PII are secured using encryption.
The security of USB devices may not be up-to-mark or inadequate when it comes to sensitive data retention. USB devices are susceptible to theft, loss, and misplacing. PII data kept in unprotected and public cloud apps may also end up in the hands of malicious parties.
Controls that outlaw the storing of personally identifiable information (PII) on portable storage devices and accessible, public storage solutions are put in place by our developers.
By barring or deactivating USB ports and limiting organizational access to public data files, we implement this strategy.
This control is related to the security control Encryption at Rest. To help decide which systems, platforms, and datasets ought to be secured at rest, developers can refer to the data categorization document.
For the purpose of identifying data that has to be encrypted on the system to secure information, our developers develop their unique data categorization document.
Any Amazon Selling Partner API keys are encrypted and kept safe. API keys are not revealed in emails or left in plain text in manuals.
For legal and financial reasons, developers are not allowed to keep the encrypted PII information. The PII info must be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to conform with legal obligations.
But since they frequently save the whole PII information rather than the non-PII information that is genuinely necessary for the purpose of their use case, like order aggregates, ZIP codes used for tax computation, and so forth, many developers find it challenging to comply with this regulation.
Our developers delete PII-related information from the hot cache, or archive it in secured and encrypted storage if the information’s access is necessary by law for a longer period of time than the standard.
Malware is frequently put in place by an external adversary. The second most frequent way for malware to infect a target machine is via email. Malware, for instance, may be introduced when people access a compromised website. Users who do not keep their anti-virus software up-to-date might make the system network even more vulnerable to malicious software.
A mechanism and structure are included in incident response (IR) strategies that assist companies in identifying and putting efficient security measures in place to safeguard the Amazon SP-API. Developers have to take into account the stages of an incident management plan, such as planning, detection, containment, elimination, recuperation, and insights gained.
By emailing, our developers inform Amazon of any incidents within 24 hours.
Our senior manager authorizes and at least once every six months evaluates the incident response (IR) plan.
This control requires the establishment of a recurring review procedure to ensure the notion of reviewing user as well as service accounts that are no longer required and deleting inactive accounts.
Users who are the victims of phishing attacks seldom become aware that their systems have been hacked. Web servers may be the target of widespread denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks that also target networks and software.
Malware may have infected employee computers. In order to identify and alert individuals who have been compromised by social engineering or other tactics, monitoring and tracking systems are essential.
We implement an intrusion detection and prevention system to track and identify the use of any associated data assets.
Get in touch with us to create the Best Custom Inventory Management Software and comprehensive tools utilizing the Amazon SP-API.
This blog lists out important security measures for Amazon Selling Partner API implementations as well as discuss the tools that we take into account while implementing the eSellerHub Data Protection Guidelines.
Our developers adhere to the Data Protection Guidelines in order to safeguard PII gathered from customers.
So, if you’re seeking a tool to run your Amazon business effectively—from optimizing order and inventory management to producing customized sales reports—
get in touch with eSellerHub right away. We are experts in building specialized, comprehensive solutions using the Amazon SP-API that are tailored to your precise business needs and can assist you in accomplishing your objectives.